Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI)
The Oceanographic Research Institute undertakes applied research that contributes towards the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in the Western Indian Ocean.
Continue reading →The Oceanographic Research Institute undertakes applied research that contributes towards the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in the Western Indian Ocean.
Continue reading →The Marine Farmers Organisation of South Africa (MFOSA) is a registered non-profit organization that was established to represent its members in the promotion and development of marine finfish farming as an economically sound and environmentally sustainable industry in South Africa.
Continue reading →The Marine Finfish Farmers Association of South Africa (MFFASA) is a registered non-profit organization that was established to represent its members in the promotion and development of marine finfish farming as an economically sound and environmentally sustainable industry in South Africa.
Continue reading →The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers South Africa is a provider of professional maritime training with an unrivalled programme of education and qualification.
For industry newcomers, the ICSSA offers a tailored introduction to the maritime world, with study culminating in diplomas that enable specialisation in a number of different areas, including:
Continue reading →The Institute was founded in 1983 originally as the “Institute of Marine Law” with the primary focus on teaching, researching and monitoring developments in marine law both at the international level and in the context of southern Africa. In 1993 an environmental law unit was established within the Institute and in 1999 the Institute was renamed the Institute of Marine and Environmental Law to reflect its activities in both marine and environmental law. The Institute is located within the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law and has a close association with the Shipping Law Unit within the Department of Commercial Law
Continue reading →The Durban Charter Boat Association was founded in 1995:
To promote and encourage the establishment and maintenance of optimum standards of quality service in the interest of thepublic and for the protection of the good name of the industry. Durban Charter Boat Association members are experienced and dedicated deepsea fisherman with local knowledge of the deepsea fishing grounds off Durban
The Dolphin Action and Protection Group is a non-governmental organization with the goal of protecting dolphins and whales.
Continue reading →Club for boat owners in Durban
Continue reading →The objective of the Association is to contribute towards the development of aquaculture in Southern Africa through effective representation and dissemination of information
Continue reading →The Abalone Farmers Association membership includes 12 farms. The objectives of the association are to promote the interests and image of abalone aquaculture; to establish communication and co-operation among members; to serve as a forum for debate on opinions of members; to collect and disseminate information on abalone; to organise seminars, workshops and symposiparticularly regarding research; and to procure funds to achieve these objectives.
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