Public & Allied Workers Union of South Africa (PAWUSA)
Serving the interests of workers for more than 45 years – Stronger together
Continue reading →Serving the interests of workers for more than 45 years – Stronger together
Continue reading →The National Union of Furniture & Allied Workers SA (Nufawsa) Sick Benefit Society is a managed Sick benefit fund, for all Nufawsa employees associated with the Nufawsa Union and was established during 1926 focusing on the lower income earners in the Allied and Furniture Industry and regulated by the Labour Relations Act. Nufawsa believes that the establishment of an anti-racist / non-racial, non exploitative and democratic society depends on the unity of the working class directed at the eradication of oppression, exploitation and discrimination as well as the promotion, development and maintenance of an authentic working class leadership.
Continue reading →Union for furniture and allied workers
Continue reading →The National Union of Leather and Allied Workers (NULAW) is a trade union representing workers in the leather and shoemaking industries in South Africa. The union was founded in 1924 as the National Union of Leather Workers, and registered with the government in 1926. (Wikipedia,,with%20the%20government%20in%201926.)
Continue reading →NUPSAW is a trade union formed on the 13th August 1998, from the amalgamation of militant and moderate trade unions operating mainly in the Public Service, whose sole purpose of its existence is to promote and protect the interests of its members from the ever exploitative, oppressive and discriminatory employers. Branches can be found in all the provinces.
Continue reading →NEHAWU struggles for union recognition, a living wage and a free and democratic South Africa. NEHAWU members faced brutal repression from the apartheid regime which saw the union as a direct challenge to its control of the public service. In other sectors, bitter struggles were fought against employers with reactionary practices like the Lifecare Group, Clinic Holdings, various old age homes, universities and technikons.
The battle cry of NEHAWU’s national strike in 1992 was “Wawutshelwe ubani ukuthi I-NEHAWU ifile?” Who told you that NEHAWU is dead? This slogan highlights the union’s will to survive.
We strive to build a united worker movement in our country
Continue reading →Motor Transport Workers Union can pride itself for having protected their members against exploitation and job losses and will continue to fight for
Decent work and fair treatment of its members.
The Municipality, Education, State, Health & Allied Workers Union concerns itself with the problems faced by its members in the education, state, health and allied workers sectors.
Continue reading →Affiliated to COSATU, this union is for workers in the hospitality industry. The SA Commercial Catering & Allied Workers Union regulates relations between Members and their Employers and protects and furthers the interests of Members in relation to their Employers
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