Childline South Africa (CSA)
Childline is an effective non-profit organization that works collectively to protect children from all forms of violence and to create a culture of children’s rights in South Africa.
Continue reading →Childline is an effective non-profit organization that works collectively to protect children from all forms of violence and to create a culture of children’s rights in South Africa.
Continue reading →Cape Wools today is the official industry representative organisation of the South African Wool Industry. SA Wool aims to promote the activities of the Wool industry in South Africa, connect the role players in our country to partners locally or abroad and inform the visitor about the special properties of SA Wool.
Continue reading →The CATA Employers’ Organisation is an employers’ organisation based in Malelane, Mpumalanga.
Continue reading →Cape Mental Health is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO 003-264) and public benefit organisation (PBO Ref. 18/11/13/4456) that provides or facilitates comprehensive, pro-active and enabling mental health services in the Western Cape.
We are committed to challenging socially restrictive and discriminatory practices affecting the mental health of all people. Our work is underpinned by a commitment to quality, excellence and professionalism at all times.
Continue reading →Chess Western Province is the regional body responsible for the control and administration of chess in the Cape Town Metropole under the auspices of Chess South Africa. We manage all the premier chess events in the Cape Town Metropole including the Cape of Good Hope Open, Western Province Open, Western Province Closed and Western Province Chess League.
Continue reading →Catra is the oldest and largest representative association in South Africa, not only serving the hospitality industry, but all other industries nationally.
It is a registered employer’s association that represents, protects and promotes the interests of employers and their employees, as well as consumers.
Providing services and benefits to its members, it also strives to foster harmonious relationships between members and their employees through the process of conciliation and dialogue.
Although not confined to the hospitality industry, Catra is the only body representing employers at the Bargaining Council for the Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades.
Continue reading →CST-SA is an association of organisations and individuals (from both the private and public sectors) who are actively involved in the science and technology of cereals. CST-SA is South and Southern Africa’s official link to the ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology), AACCI (AACC International) and the international cereal science and technology community at large.
Continue reading →Child Welfare Tshwane (previously “Pretoria Kinder- en Gesinsorgvereniging”) is a registered, non-profit child protection organisation that has been caring for, protecting and empowering vulnerable children in Tshwane since 1918.
Continue reading →Founded in 1972, Ceramics Southern Africa is the official representative body of potters in Southern Africa. The objective of the association is to promote ceramics in Southern Africa by improving the work being produced and to foster an interest in ceramics by the general public. This is done by presenting workshops and organising exhibitions regionally and nationally. The purpose of Ceramics Southern Africa is to maintain a representative forum for the encouragement and fostering of the art and craft of ceramics in Southern Africa. The field encompasses all relevant processes that add value to clay.
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