Patriotic Alliance (PA)
Political party
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Continue reading →The PHSDSBC is a bargaining council, which was established in 1999, and services employees within the public health and social development sectors.
Our mission is to promote labour peace in the public health and social development sectors of South Africa by engaging in constructive collective bargaining regarding issues of mutual interests to all the parties to the Council; and
Facilitating dispute prevention measures to pre-empt the occurrence of disputes within the sector and the resolution of all sector-wide labour disputes speedily and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
This bargaining council is a registered government bargaining council.
Established in 1957, the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA) represents professionals in public relations and communication management throughout the southern African region and has registered practitioners in Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa.
PRISA promotes the common interests of public relations professionals and best public relations practices public relations through its code of ethics, dialogu with stakeholdets and contribution to curriculum development in institutions of higher learning.
Continue reading →PHASA advocates equitable access to the basic conditions necessary to achieve health for all South African as well as equitable access to effective health care. PHASA will work with other public health associations and related organisations and advocate on national and international issues that impact on the conditions for a healthy society.
Continue reading →PERSETA oversee the provision of quality public service education and training that meets the current and future needs of all their stakeholders namely that are in the business of government namely government departments like DIRCO, Home Affairs, parliament, provincial legislatures, transversal skills across other government departments, public entities and parastatals.
Continue reading →Serving the interests of workers for more than 45 years – Stronger together
Continue reading →PASA is the largest publishing industry body in South Africand is committed to creativity, literacy, the free flow of ideas and encouraging a culture of reading.
Continue reading →The Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) aims to provide comprehensive information regarding the PSCBC as a co-ordinating bargaining council and its functions.
This bargaining council is a registered government bargaining council.
The Public Protector is an independent institution established in terms of section 181 of the Constitution, with a mandate to support and strengthen constitutional democracy. A supreme administrative oversight body, the Public Protector has the power to investigate, report and remedy improper conduct in state affairs. The Public Protector must be accessible to all persons and communities. Anyone can complaint to the Public Protector.
Continue reading →The PSA (Public Servants Association of South Africa) is a registered trade union at the forefront of labour developments.
The PSA is the largest, politically non-affiliated,fully-representative union in the Public Service. With a proud history of decades of service to its members, the PSA represents more than 235 000 public sector employees.
The PSA’s conduct is aimed at achieving the Union mission, guided by the values of: loyalty, transparency, respect, integrity, consistency, and service excellence.
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