Labour Party (LP)
Political party
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Continue reading →The Labour Research Service (LRS) is a membership-based labour support organisation established in 1986. We support the core functions of trade unions such as collective bargaining and organising and help to link unions with other role-players and constituencies. Our work influences policies that will enable workers to fully claim their rights. We support global union federations in building trade unions and trade union networks around multinational companies in Africa. We influence approaches to gender equality and gender-based violence in unions and within communities in South Africa and Africa. We work to develop new layers of worker leaders within trade unions and in so doing support the reproduction of these important organs of civil society.
Continue reading →The oldest 4×4 club in Southern Africa, LROC is a family-orientated club, exclusively for Land Rover enthusiasts.
The Club is based in the Gauteng region of South Africa but has ‘country’ and ‘overseas’ members almost spanning the globe. The current membership is around the 500 mark, representing (at last count) some 900 Land Rovers of all ages, shapes and sizes. Although most of the official correspondence tends to be in English, the club has a substantial Afrikaans membership and many other languages are also spoken.
Over the past decade or so, the club has gone from strength to strength and is recognized in the industry as one of the most prestigious off-road clubs to be associated with, renowned for its good conduct and always striving to ensure that its members will be welcomed back to venues it has visited.
The LSSA speaks nationally on behalf of the attorneys’ profession;
provides leadership and support to the profession through policy development and stakeholder relations;
publishes De Rebus, the SA attorneys journal in print and digital format, which circulates to all attorneys, and judges as well as subscribers in print and digital format, as well as an app;
interrogates and makes input on policy and draft legislation in the public interest;
provides vocational training to over 1 400 candidate attorneys a year; attendance fees are subvented by the Attorneys Fidelity Fund;
has 10 Centres of the School for Legal Practice: Bloemfontein, Polokwane, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Potchefstroom, East London, Pretoria and Johannesburg as well as a distance training centre in cooperation with Unisa
is accredited as the premier provider of other practical legal training courses (PLT) for candidate attorneys in terms of the Attorneys Act, 1979;
is accredited as the premier provider of subsidised Practice Management Training (PMT) for mandatory practice management in terms of the Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act, 2003;
maintains standards by setting examination papers for the Attorneys Admission, Conveyancing and Notarial professional examinations for attorneys; and
maintains a national database on statistics and trends in the attorneys’ profession.
Lifesaving South Africa is an internationally renowned lifesaving organisation. The essential service provides excellent standards of leadership and lifeguard training whilst encouraging innovation, development and first class service delivery.
Membership participation and contribution is valued and encouraged. Pathways are identified and achievement recognised. The highest standards of behaviour, respect for each other and the public is stressed, maintained and expected of all members. Members benefit from a sports programme that caters for all ages and ability groups.
Lifesaving South Africa provides an essential volunteer community service at the highest international standards for the public of South Africa.
Not only do the bathing public benefit from the Lifesaving capability of our lifeguards, the community also benefits in many situations away from the bathing facilities where training and skills of our members provide a much safer environment in South Africa.
Established in 1989: Lima Rural Development Foundation (LIMA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, engaged in a broad range of rural and urban development interventions throughout South Africa. LIMA promotes dignified, sustainable and transformative community growth across South Africa. We support the simultaneous development of people and livelihoods in resource-scarce contexts, particularly in rural areas.
Continue reading →The vision of the Limpopo Gambling Board is to regulate the gambling industry in a responsible and ethical manner for the benefit of the people of the Province by ensuring compliance with legislation, promoting responsible gambling, and facilitating sustainable local economic development.
Continue reading →The Legal Practice Council is mandated to set norms and standards, to provide for the admission and enrolment of legal practitioners and to regulate the professional conduct of legal practitioners to ensure accountability.
Continue reading →The League of Friends of the Blind (LOFOB) is a Non-Governmental Organisation which caters to the needs of blind and visually impaired individuals. We work to further the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for Education and Decent Work.
Based in Grassy Park, Western Cape, we have been in operation since 1933 and have assisted in providing independence development services to thousands of individuals from all over South Africa and across the African continent.
Established in 1989 and based in Johannesburg, the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Association of South Africa is non profit organisation that represents companies which are involved in the installation, distribution, hardware and retailing of LPGas and gas appliances.
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