Public Health and Social Development Sectoral Bargaining Council (PHSDSBC)
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The PHSDSBC is a bargaining council, which was established in 1999, and services employees within the public health and social development sectors.
Our mission is to promote labour peace in the public health and social development sectors of South Africa by engaging in constructive collective bargaining regarding issues of mutual interests to all the parties to the Council; and
Facilitating dispute prevention measures to pre-empt the occurrence of disputes within the sector and the resolution of all sector-wide labour disputes speedily and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
This bargaining council is a registered government bargaining council.1
Our mission is to promote labour peace in the public health and social development sectors of South Africa by engaging in constructive collective bargaining regarding issues of mutual interests to all the parties to the Council; and
Facilitating dispute prevention measures to pre-empt the occurrence of disputes within the sector and the resolution of all sector-wide labour disputes speedily and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
This bargaining council is a registered government bargaining council.1
Physical Address:
Public Service Bargaining Centre
Buildings A and E
260 Basden Avenue
Centurion, 0176
PO Box 11467
Centurion, 0046
(086) 0747322