Midrand Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI)
Midrand Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a chamber of commerce located in the city of Halfway House in the country of South Africa.
Continue reading →Midrand Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a chamber of commerce located in the city of Halfway House in the country of South Africa.
Continue reading →The aim and objectives of the Association are: To study, discuss and to bring to the attention of its members any matters of medical and general interest pertaining to the mining industry. Continuing medical education is encouraged as well as fostering a friendly relationship of exchange of views among members and with other organisations connected with the mining industry.
By arranging meetings, seminars, symposiums and other networking opportunities for its members MMPA fulfills its purpose of promoting and discussing important matters relating to the medical field in mining.
Continue reading →The Mine Health and Safety Council is a national public entity (Schedule 3A) established in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act, No 29 of 1996, as amended.
The entity comprises a tripartite board represented by State, Employer, and Labour members under chairmanship of the Chief Inspector of Mines. The MHSC is funded by public revenue and is accountable to Parliament.
The main task of the Council is to advise the Minister of Mineral Resources on occupational health and safety legislation and research outcomes focused on improving and promoting occupational health and safety in South African mines. The Council also oversees the activities of its committees; promotes a culture of health and safety in the mining industry; arranges a summit every two years to review the state of occupational health and safety at mines; and liaises with the Mining Qualifications Authority and any other statutory bodies about mining health and safety.
Continue reading →Mining Industry Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH) was established in 2003 to focus on the adoption of leading practices to address health and safety concerns and accelerate the progress towards achieving zero harm.
Continue reading →Milk SA is entrusted by the Government to administrate statutory regulations in pursuit of its strategic direction to broaden the market for milk and other dairy products, improve the international competitiveness of the dairy industry and empower previously disadvantaged persons. Since 2002 already, Milk South Africa has been adding value to the South African dairy industry through the promotion of the image and consumption of South African dairy products and the development of the South African dairy industry through value-added services such as to:
The Members of Milk SA comprise the Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO) and the SA Milk Processors’ Organisation (SAMPRO).
Continue reading →The Mighty Maquassie Hills Taxi Association is a Taxi Association operating from Wolmaransstad in the North West Province.
Continue reading →The Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO) is a representative organisation focused on serving the primary sector of the South Africa dairy industry. The strategic core function of the MPO is to focus on sustainable dairy farming for all and to enhance the profitability, sustainability, and competitiveness of the South African dairy industry, enabling the sector to be best positioned to operate successfully in the future
Continue reading →With members drawn from Gold, Platinum, Coal, base metal and other metallurgical mining operations, MMMA was established in 1984 and the main objectives of the Association is to promote the professional interests of its members by the encouragement of efficient practical application of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy on plants through sound financial and cost management principles at all levels within metallurgical operations.
Continue reading →MDMSA (Medical Device Manufacturers of South Africa) is an association of companies that manufacture medical devices within South Africa.
It is an association member of SAMED representing local manufacturers only. MDMSA exists to grow the locally manufactured content of this industry sector within South Africa as well as equip our members to compete internationally. In so doing, MDMSA works closely with The Department of Health, and the Department of Trade and Industry (The dti)to leverage the various mechanisms that exist to assist the government identified priority sector that is Medical Technology.
MDMSA’s work focuses on the Economic Growth of the industry, Regulatory, Ethical and Quality Compliance, International Business Development, and Innovation Support within the Medical Device and Medical Technology fields.
Continue reading →MISASA is the National Flying Organisation that represents ALL pilots that fly Weight Shift Controlled Microlights (WCM),
Conventionally Controlled Microlights (CCM) and Light Sport Aeroplanes (LSA). Further to this, we have expanded our
representation to include production-built NTCA aircraft up to an MTOW of 1663kg as per our latest approved MOP.
This allows MISASA to represent Gyrocopter pilots too.