Tomato Producers Organisation (TPO)
The TPO as a voluntary producers’ organisation aspires to act as a mouthpiece for the producers of fresh tomatoes in South Africa.
Continue reading →The TPO as a voluntary producers’ organisation aspires to act as a mouthpiece for the producers of fresh tomatoes in South Africa.
Continue reading →Originally, the focus of the organisation was to provide business skills training and support to poor and disadvantaged people in South Africa. The organisation was created in the Western Cape province but has since expanded and now orchestrates projects throughout South Africa. The TTO has provided business training to over 30,000 people since its inception.
Continue reading →Tourist bureau for Tulbagh
Continue reading →The Turner Syndrome SA is an NPO which simsd to help and support Turners Syndrome and create greater awareness of this syndrome. The aim of the NPO is:
UNICEF is committed to realising the rights of all children to help them build a strong foundation and have the best chance of fulfilling their potential.
We believe that ensuring a child is happy and healthy begins before birth: from ensuring their mother has access to good health care to reaching adulthood as a healthy, empowered and informed young person of the next generation. This journey relies on every child having access to quality health care, good nutrition, education, and growing up in a safe environment free from violence.
Political party
Continue reading →Universities South Africformerly known as Higher Education South Africa (HESA), is a membership organisation representing South Africa’s universities.
Continue reading →Established in 1955, Black Sash is a veteran human rights organisation advocating for social justice in South Africa.
Our work is deeply committed to understanding and promoting social protection in South Africa. We concentrate our efforts on advocating for everyone living in South Africa, with a special focus on establishing a robust Social Protection floor. Black Sash has adopted a strategic approach to protect the most vulnerable from extreme poverty and hunger.
Continue reading →Political party
Continue reading →Political party
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