- Matlakeng Taxi Association (MTA)
- Mazukawa Judo Club (MJC)
- Meals On Wheels (MOW)
- Measurement and Verification Council Africa (MVCA)
- Meat Traders Association Gauteng (MTA)
- Meatmaster Sheep Breeders’ Association of South Africa (MSBSSA)
- Media Monitoring Africa (MMA)
- Medic Alert Foundation of South Africa (MAFSA)
- Medical Advisors’ Group (MAG)
- Medical Device & Diagnostic Innovation Cluster (MeDDIC)
- Medical Device Manufacturers of South Africa (MDMSA)
- Melmoth Taxi Association (MTA)
- Mental Health Information Centre of South Africa (MHICSA)
- Merino Landskaap (ML)
- Merino South Africa (MSA)
- Metal & Electrical Workers Union of South Africa (MEWUSA)
- Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC)
- Metal Recyclers Association of South Africa (MRA)
- Microlight & Sport Aeroplane Association of South Africa (MISASA)
- Microscopy Society of Southern Africa (MSSA)
- Middelburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCOC)
- Midlands Bed & Breakfast Association (MidBABA)
- Midlands Rose Society (MRS)
- Midrand Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI)
- Mighty Maquassie Hills Taxi Association (MMHTA)
- Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO)
- Milk South Africa (MSA)
- Minara Chamber of Commerce (MCC)
- Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC)
- Mine Medical Professionals Association (MMPA)