- Boating South Africa (BSA)
- Boitekong Business Forum (BBF)
- Boland Master Builders and Allied Trades Association (BMBATA)
- Boland Shore Angling Association (BSAA)
- Bongani Community Development Centre (BCDC)
- Bonsmara Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa (BCBSA)
- Boran Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa (BCBSSA)
- Border Canoe Club (BCC)
- Border Hunting Club – Eastern Cape (BHCEC)
- Border Kei Chamber of Business (BCB)
- Border Rock and Surf Angling Association (BRSAA)
- Borehole Water Association of South Africa (BWA)
- Bosveld Jagters en Wildbewarings Vereniging (BJWV)
- Bosveld Wapen en Ammunisie Vereniging (BWAV)
- Botanical Artists’ Association of Southern Africa (BAASA)
- Botanical Society of South Africa (BSSA)
- Botshabelo Amalgamated Taxi Association (BATA)
- Bowls South Africa (BSA)
- Brahman Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa (BCBSSA)
- Brangus Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa (BCBSSA)
- Braunvieh South Africa (BSA)
- Breastfeeding Association SA (BASA)
- British Chamber of Business in Southern Africa (BCBSA)
- Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa (BCCSA)
- Broadcasting, Electronic Media and Allied Workers Union (BEMAWU)
- Budgerigar Society of South Africa (BSSA)
- Building Bargaining Council – Boland North and West (BBC)
- Building Construction & Allied Workers’ Union (BCAWU)
- Building Industry Bargaining Council (BIBC)
- Building Industry Bargaining Council (Cape of Good Hope) (BIBC)