National Education, Health & Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU)
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NEHAWU struggles for union recognition, a living wage and a free and democratic South Africa. NEHAWU members faced brutal repression from the apartheid regime which saw the union as a direct challenge to its control of the public service. In other sectors, bitter struggles were fought against employers with reactionary practices like the Lifecare Group, Clinic Holdings, various old age homes, universities and technikons.
The battle cry of NEHAWU’s national strike in 1992 was “Wawutshelwe ubani ukuthi I-NEHAWU ifile?” Who told you that NEHAWU is dead? This slogan highlights the union’s will to survive.
An online contact form is given on this organisation’s website.
Physical Address:
33 Hoofd St,
Johannesburg, 2001
(not available)
Telephone:(011) 8332902
Provincialand regional offices can be found around South Africa. Please see the NEHAWU website for contact details
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