Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC)
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The Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC) is a statutory body created under the Labour Relations Act (LRA) to provide for the co-regulation of stable and productive employment relations in the metal and engineering industries.
The council is an industry based forum of organised business and labour that regulates employment conditions and labour relations in the metal and engineering industry. It provides the necessary, administrative infrastructure and technical expertise to ensure effective collective bargaining, industry compliance, dispute resolution and social protection services. As at end of November, The Council represented approximately 10 624 firms and 306 747 employees in the industry.
An online contact form is given on this organisation’s website.
Physical Address:
1st Floor Metal Industries House 42 Anderson Street Johannesburg, 2001
Postal Address:PO Box 9381, Johannesburg, 2000
Telephone:(011) 6398000
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