- NGC Enterprise Development Zone (NGC)
- Northern Tigers Swimming (NTS)
- Occupational Therapy in Occupational Health (OTOH)
- Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC)
- Office of the Health Ombud (OHO)
- Office of the Ombud for Financial Service Providers (FAISOmbud)
- Office Professionals of South Africa (OPSA)
- Oil Seeds Advisory Committee (OAC)
- Operation Hunger (OH)
- Order of St John South Africa (OSJ-SA)
- Organisation of Civic Rights (OCR)
- Organisation of South African Law Libraries (OSALL)
- OUT well-being (OUT)
- Pain South Africa (PSA)
- Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC)
- Pension Funds Adjudicator (PFA)
- People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA)
- Phaphama SEDI (PHAPHAMA)
- Plant Improvement South Africa (PLANTSA)
- Plastics Responsibility Organisation (POLYCO)
- Plettenberg Bay Tourism (PBT)
- Port Alfred Sunshine Coast Tourism (PASCT)
- Ports Regulator of South Africa (PRSA)
- Potatoes South Africa (PSA)
- Prader-Willi Syndrome Support (PWSS)
- Pretoria Dagmoedervereniging (PDMV)
- Pretoria Writers’ Circle (PWC)
- Primary Immunodeficiency Network of South Africa (PINSA)
- Print and Digital Media South Africa (PDMSA)
- Professional Service Employers Organisation of South Africa (PSEO)
- Proudly South African (PSA)
- Rape Crisis (RC)
- Reach for Recovery Breast Cancer Support Group (R4R)
- Real Estate Business Owners of South Africa (REBOSA)
- Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA)
- Red Meat Producers Organisation (RMPO)
- Register of Exercise Professionals South Africa (REPSSA)
- Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI)
- Retina South Africa (RSA)
- Rowing South Africa (RowSA)
- SA Milk Processors Organisations (SAMPRO)
- SA National Parks (SANPARKS)
- SA National Pigeon Organisation (SANPO)
- SA National Seed Organisation (SANSOR)
- SA Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research (SANCOR)
- SA Noodhulpliga (SANL)
- SA Organic Sector Organisation (SAOSO)
- SA Pork Producers` Organisation (SAPPO)
- SA Prisoners Organisation for Human Rights (SAPOHR)