Red Meat Producers Organisation (RMPO)
The mission of the Red Meat Producers Organisation, also known as the Rooivleis Produsents Orgnisasie, is the promotion of a sustainable and profitable red meat industry in South Africa.
Continue reading →The mission of the Red Meat Producers Organisation, also known as the Rooivleis Produsents Orgnisasie, is the promotion of a sustainable and profitable red meat industry in South Africa.
Continue reading →The RMAA (Red Meat Abattoir Association) is a representative forum for abattoir owners in South Africa. The abattoir industry is responsible for the conversion of livestock to meat. This process remains critical to ensure a safe and wholesome product to consumers. The Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act no. 40 of 2000) addresses measures to promote the safety of meat and animal products and to establish and maintain Essential National Standards in respect of abattoirs.
Continue reading →The Red Meat Industry Forum (RMIF) of South Africa is an umbrella council consisting of 13 nominated members each representing the interests of the most nationally representative sector specific organizations within the Red Meat Value Chain from the primary producer to the consumer. The RMIF was established in 1994 when the Agricultural control boards were disbanded and it was formally constituted in 1997 in accordance with the provisions of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996) as amended.
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