- Faculty of Consulting Physicians of South Africa (FCPSA)
- Fair Trade Tourism (FTT)
- Fair-trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA)
- Fairest Cape Association (FCA)
- False Bay Sports Shooting Club (FBSSC)
- Family and Marriage Society of South Africa East Rand (FAMSA)
- Family Care Association Pretoria (FCAP)
- Family Mediator’s Association of the Cape (FAMAC)
- Farmer Support Group (FSG)
- Federal Council of Retail and Allied Workers (FEDCRAW)
- Federasie Van Afrikaanse Kultuurrvereniginge (FAK)
- Federated Employers Organization of South Africa (FEOSA)
- Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa (FEDHASA)
- Federated Mining and Allied Industries Union (FMAIU)
- Federated Taxi Association (FTA)
- Federation of African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (FAPMA)
- Federation of Associations of Medical Scientists (FAMSA)
- Federation of Dance Sport South Africa (FDSSA)
- Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa (FIDSSA)
- Federation of Rose Societies of South Africa (ROSA)
- Federation of South African Flyfishers (FOSAF)
- Federation of South African Gem and Mineralogical Societies (FOSAGAMS)
- Federation of South African Societies of Pathology (FSASP)
- Federation of Trade Unions of SA (FEDUSA)
- Federation of Trade Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA)
- Fencing Federation of South Africa (FFSA)
- Fern Society of Southern Africa (FSSA)
- Ferro Alloy Producers’ Association (FAPA)
- Fertilizer Association of Southern Africa (FERTASA)
- Fezile Dabi Regional Taxi Office (FDRTO)