- Early Care Foundation (ECF)
- Earthlife Africa (ELA)
- Earthlife Africa (ELA)
- East Cape Game Management Association (ECGMA)
- East Cape Game Management Association (ECGMA)
- East London Angling Association (ELAA)
- East London Taxi Association (ELTA)
- East Rand Boat Fishing Club (ERBFC)
- East Rand Veterans Boxing Association (ERVBA)
- East Rand Woodworkers’ Association (ERWA)
- Eastern Cape Canoe Union (ECCU)
- Eastern Cape Engineering and Allied Industries Association (ECEAIA)
- Eastern Gauteng Aquatics (EGA)
- Eastern Gauteng Chamber of Commerce (EGCC)
- Eastern Gauteng Gymnastics Association (EGGA)
- Eastern Province Bonsai Society (EPBS)
- Eastern Province Pigeon Union (EPPU)
- Eastern Province Veteran Car Club (EPVCC)
- Eating Disorders South Africa (EDSA)
- Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)
- Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI)
- Eden Clay Target Shooting Academy (ECTSA)
- Eden Shore Angling (ESA)
- Education Association of South Africa (EASA)
- Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC)
- Ekurhuleni North Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ENCCI)
- Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA)
- Electric Vehicle Industry Association (EVIA)
- Electrical Conformance Board of South Africa (ECBSA)
- Electrical Contractors Association South Africa (ECASA)