- Agri North West (ANW)
- Agri Northern Cape (ANC)
- Agri South Africa (AGRI SA)
- Agri Western Cape (AWK)
- Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz)
- Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA)
- Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC)
- Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
- Agricultural Writers of South Africa (AWSA)
- Agriculture Sector Education Training Authority (AgriSeta)
- AgriExpo (AE)
- Aids Foundation of South Africa (AFSA)
- Aircraft Maintenance Organizations South Africa (AMOSA)
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of South Africa (AOPA)
- Airline Pilots Association of South Africa (ALPA-SA)
- Airlines Association of Southern Africa (AASA)
- Al Jama-ah (ALJAMA)
- Al-Anon Family Groups (AL-ANON)
- Alberton Angling Club (AAC)
- Albinism Society of South Africa (AASA)
- Alcohol & Drug Concerns South Africa (ADC)
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Alexandra Development Centre (ADC)
- Alexandra Randburg, Midrand Sandton Taxi Association (AMSTRA)
- Alexandra Taxi Association (ATI)
- Alexandra, Randburg, Midrand Sandton Taxi Association (AMSTRA)
- Algoa Taxi Association (ATA)
- Allan Gray Orbis Foundation (AGOF)
- Allergy Society of South Africa (ALLSA)
- Alliance for Children’s Entitlement To Social Security (ACESS)