Association for Christian Ministries (A4CM)
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The Association for Christian Ministries is a voluntary association we formed to accommodate people who have a God-given calling in any ministry area.
A Christian ministry is the expression of the priesthood of a Christian believer and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This goes hand in hand with the function of the local church, as a community with a variety of ministries serving God’s people and beyond. We invite you to join hands and hearts across traditional borders and serve the people with your gifts.
The benefits of becoming part of the Association for Christian Ministries include:
An assessment process to enable you to name and classify your ministry. This self-classification helps you to look beyond terms like ‘just in a lay ministry, ‘only a tent-maker’ or ‘merely a pensioner’. You have so much more experience to offer the people around you. Looking further than these limiting descriptors helps you to use weekly strategies to encourage, uplift and teach you Biblical-based wisdom for your ministry. You can expect to receive these offerings in a daily electronic newsletter, a weekly ministry-related poster and a weekly online workshop – Wisdom for Ministry.
Physical Address:
(not available)
Postal Address:PO Box 165,
Garsfontein, 0042
(083) 6760451