Western Cape Deaf Sports Federation (WCDSF)
The key objectives of the WCDSF are to encourage and promote every Deaf Sport Member with hearing loss to participate and enjoy sport.
Continue reading →The key objectives of the WCDSF are to encourage and promote every Deaf Sport Member with hearing loss to participate and enjoy sport.
Continue reading →The Western Cape Woodturners Association (“WCWA”) is a club set up by woodturners for woodturners, with an aim to promote and nurture the art of wood-turning in all its aspects, as well as provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and techniques
The Western Cape Woodturners Association is a member club of the Association of Woodturners of South Africa (“AWSA”).
The Western Cape Bee Industry Association (also known as the Wes-Kaapse Nyebedryfsvereniging – WKBV) is dedicated to supporting those who work with the Cape honeybee (Apis mellifera capensis), a very special honeybee which is indigenous to the fynbos biome of the Western Cape. Through our association, we promote ethical, professional and sustainable beekeeping.
Continue reading →The WCSASEDF objective is to lobby Government raise these injustices for Small Business to become successful, create growth creating sustainable jobs and businesses. To help start-up businesses with mentorship without claiming “commission fees” that can be used for business growth as Small Business are key to in terms of Economy Stimulation.
Continue reading →Information on all aquatic sports in the Western Cape
Continue reading →The Western Province Badminton Association are actively involved in the development of the sport of badminton, and with the support of the Western Cape Government, they have teams coming from Oceanview (many of whom have represented Western Province) and Gugulethu, who provide transport in bringing the players to the hall to practice and play league.
Continue reading →WCBL is a boxing league which will be conducted on annual basis. The page will contain lasted updates on the league and extra activities related.
Continue reading →The WRC operates in terms of the Water Research Act (Act 34 of 1971) and its mandate is to support water research and development as well as the building of a sustainable water research capacity in South Africa. The WRC serves as the country’s water-centred knowledge ‘hub’ leading the creation, dissemination and application of water-centred knowledge, focusing on water resource management, water-linked ecosystems, water use and waste management and water utilisation in agriculture.
Continue reading →The Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) regulates the retail sale and micro-manufacturing of liquor in the Western Capwe province.
Continue reading →The Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) was established in 2000 in terms of the Skills Development Act (as amended). The public entity aims to facilitate the skills development needs of the Wholesale and Retail (W&R) Sector through the implementation of learning programmes, disbursement of grants and monitoring of education and training as outlined in the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP).
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