Sawmilling South Africa (SSA)
The objective of the SSA is to promote the interests of all sawmillers big and small in the Republic of South Africa and to create unity of purpose and identity amongst its members;
Continue reading →The objective of the SSA is to promote the interests of all sawmillers big and small in the Republic of South Africa and to create unity of purpose and identity amongst its members;
Continue reading →The SCSI is underpinned by the view that the prevention and mitigation of crime threats are viewed as non-competitive issues, and require the sustained commitment and cooperation across the industry, with all other relevant stakeholders in government (especially the SAPS and NPA) and across the broader business community.
Continue reading →EMAIL (not available) Website: (not available) Facebook: (not available) Contact details Physical address 2nd Floor, Harbour Place, Martin Hammerschlag … Continue reading →
The SAGL is an accredited laboratory, established in 1997 as a reference laboratory on request of the South African Grain Industry.
Continue reading →SAWIS purpose is to assist the wine industry by turning data into information that helps turn challenges into opportunities.
Continue reading →The mission of SA CANEGROWERS is to play a leading role in growing sugarcane and diverse production opportunities for cane growers, through innovation, research, specialised services and products.
Continue reading →The mission of SA Stud Book is to be a significant role player in the genetic improvement of animals in South Africa, while its vision is to develop exceptional domestic animals and establish them as a sustainable resource and treasure for all South Africans.
Continue reading →Youth organistion celebrating the Voortrekkers
Continue reading →Universities South Africa, formerly known as Higher Education South Africa (HESA), is a membership organisation representing South Africas universities.
Continue reading →SHAWCO, the Students’ Health and Welfare Centres Organisation is a student-run NGO based at the University of Cape Town, that seeks to improve the quality of life for individuals in developing communities within the Cape Metropolitan area.
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