Southern African Radiation Protection Association (SARPA-SA)
SARPA-SA: serving the objectives and profession of radiation protection in South Africa and the broader Southern African region
Continue reading →SARPA-SA: serving the objectives and profession of radiation protection in South Africa and the broader Southern African region
Continue reading →The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO 003-134) whose primary objective is to reverse the decline of seabird populations through the rescue, rehabilitation and release of ill, injured, abandoned and oiled seabirds.
Continue reading →The mission of SAISC is to develop and promote the health and wealth of the steel construction industry in Southern Africa.
Continue reading →The Southern Africa Institute of Management Services (SAIMAS) is a nonprofit, non-political professional body committed to the efficient application of resources and creating a high quality of working life.
Continue reading →The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the mining, metallurgical and related sectors
Continue reading →The SAIF is a professional association of forestry related professionals geared towards delivering a professional service to forestry.
Continue reading →The role of SAIMS is to initiate and facilitate the collection and process of relevant information in the field of Management, and to make this information available to interested stakeholders by means of, amongst others, publications, an annual conference and contact between local and international Management Scientists in Southern Africa and abroad.
Continue reading →Our vision is to be a vibrant, learned society, representing and promoting all Industrial Engineers in Southern Africa.
Continue reading →The Southern African German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is part of a worlwide network of German Chambers of Commerce (Auslandshandelskammern – AHK).
Continue reading →The Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising is a professional association of individuals who are responsible for generating resources that will advance sustainability of good causes and various non-profit organisations.
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